A Holiday Red Staple: China Glaze Ruby Pumps

In the spirit of the Holiday season – here’s another red polish for your viewing pleasure 🙂

This polish has quite a history (not my particular bottle, but the shade itself :P).  It was released as part of China Glaze’s first go at the Wizard of Ooh Ahz collection back in 2001 – WELL before I began my journey towards polish insanity.  They re-released the collection in 2009, but I heard the shades weren’t as gorgeous the second time around.  In any case, I picked up this beauty in the summer of 2010 and instantly fell in love.  It truly looks like Dorothy’s ruby red slippers!  The rich red sparkly within the slightly darker, somewhat sheer red base is mesmerizing.  I wear this every Holiday season – though I admit it doesn’t get much play during the rest of the year (though I’ve read from several other blogs that they frequently use it as a pedi shade).

Unfortunately, I simply could not seem to capture this amazing polish on film, so my pictures below are not doing it justice in the least.  Imagine it much more sparkly and eye-catching in real life:Truly, in any lighting, this shade simply glows with radiance.  I wore it over one coat of Essie’s Limited Addiction so that I would get better depth (and you can still see a touch of VNL without a base, unless you apply several coats) – next time I think I’ll use a brighter red as the deep shade of L.Addiction pulled to color down a bit.  Anyway, this is a great polish, easy to apply with absolutely no issues whatsoever, and I think you can still pick it up around various retailers of China Glaze.  If you’re feeling festive, I highly recommend scooping this up!

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  1. #1 by Natasha on December 22, 2011 - 2:27 pm

    Looks awesome….I’m sure even better in person….I’m not the polish wearing type (for more reasons than one!) but would definitely wear THIS, if I was 🙂 Have a Merry Christmas!

    • #2 by Latoya on December 26, 2011 - 7:58 pm

      You too, Natasha, I hope it’s been the best yet!! And you can certainly live vicariously through my nails any time 😛

  2. #3 by Eugenia on December 27, 2011 - 1:34 am

    It’s just so pretty on you and I really love that “lit-from-within” look! This is a great red, Toya – I have Lubu Heels (my first China Glaze, actually) but this is so much happier looking! Thanks for sharing!

    • #4 by Latoya on December 27, 2011 - 10:11 pm

      I’ve seen swatches of Lubu Heels and it’s pretty gorgeous, too! Ruby Pumps is just so festive, but it’s just so stunning that you can’t help but give it play throughout the year as well. I’m so glad you enjoyed it 😀

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