Posts Tagged Easter

Quick Update on RapidLash and an Easter Manicure!

Happy long weekend, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed a day off yesterday 🙂 Here it was a bit cool but gorgeously sunny, and I woke up to bird chirping outside my window – so it was impossible not to feel happy, even considering the fact that my bf left to work in Fort Mac (in Alberta, for those outside of Canada) on Thursday morning. It’s another job with a schedule similar to what he had when he was working in Newfoundland; this time it’ll be two weeks on (at work) and one week home. I’m missing him already, but the next time I see him we’ll be headed to Florida so at least there’s that to look forward to! Almost everything that made February and March SUCK has been turned around: we got the new washing machine (never was happier to do laundry in my LIFE!), we got our new (old) car, and he’s back to work so soon enough money won’t be tight any longer. Add a dash of sunshine to that and things are feeling pretty darn sweet 🙂

I have been meaning to write an update on the Rapidlash eye lash serum I tried out earlier this year. Part of the reason I’ve been holding off is due to the fact that unfortunately, it was a big FLOP for me. I think coming in on the heels of XLash, which rocked my world, it seemed even more disappointing. I noticed absolutely NO difference to my lashes, and in fact I think it made them a bit straighter? Is that even possible??  In any case, here’s the proof:

Lashes before RapidlashEye lashes before Rapidlash

Lashes after RapidlashEye lashes after Rapidlash

Not to be a jerk, but I can’t help but be amazed all over again by how well XLash worked in comparison:

Lashes after Xlash

I still can’t believe that at one time my lashes were that long. OUTRAGEOUS! I swear to god there is no mascara on there.

So, you can clearly see – Rapidlash, for me at least, was a total DUD. I’ve read a few other reviews online, and others had better success, so I wouldn’t write it off completely – just do your homework. I also found that I had some minor side effects while using it, such as super-crusty lashes in the morning, and more lash fall-out than normal. Nothing excessive, but at times I felt like I had a couple bald patches in my lash line that were kind of annoying (neither symptom did I experience with XLash). Overall I was pretty disappointed in the product.

Moving on to more fun, lighthearted things, I tricked out my nails in my usual Easter manicure! This year I took my inspiration from Michelle at All Lacquered Up, who did a sort of bubble manicure with Deborah Lippmann’s Spring collection. It’s cute and springy, and while I don’t do nail art as a general rule, I usually pull it out for holidays like this one 🙂

Easter 2014 Manicure

As I don’t have dotting tools, I had to do mine free-hand so of course, it looks about half as good as hers. But I still like it nonetheless!  I used butter London Jasper for my base, then painted on larger sea foam green dots with MAC Mischievous Mint, interspersed with smaller periwinkle blue dots via Essie Bikini So Teeny. Nothing fancy but it has the Easter/spring vibe I think!

I’m having a super-chill, kick back weekend puttering around the house so far and I’m loving it. I’ve been doing some major culling of all my things – makeup, nail polish, clothes – which I plan on continuing, and I’m also going to plant some herbs later today! I’m definitely into Spring Cleaning mode. I’m off on Easter Monday as well so I’m really relishing in the down time!

How are you spending your long weekend? Do you do an Easter manicure every year? Have you tried any lash serums that rocked your world?


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Happy Easter Everyone!! (with a Celebatory Mani!)

Wishing you all a lovely long weekend and some good time spent with friends and family! 😀  I just cooked a full-on brunch for a handful of my friends at my place (with ingredients contributed by my guests!) and it was the perfect way to kick off the weekend.  I’m not back to work until Wednesday and I am SO looking forward to maxin’ and relaxin’!

Good Friday Sun 2013If the weather is like this all weekend, I will be one happy gal!  See how little snow is left?! 😀

Last night I multi-tasked (surprize) by painting an Easter egg mani – last year I did all different pastel shades, so I had to think of something new this time around.  I think they came out pretty well for freehand – I probably should invest in some doting tools etc. to actually make nail art look really good, but I do it so infrequently I probably won’t bother lol.  Hope you enjoy!

Easter Manicure - right hand (2) Easter Manicure - right hand Easter Manicure - left hand (2) Easter Manicure - left handAll shades used: butter London Jasper, MAC Mischievous Mint, Sally Hansen Barracuda, Zoya Marley, Essie Muchi Muchi, Revlon Whimsical

Whether or not you celebrate the religious holiday or just use the days off as like mini-vacay, I hope you take the time to relax and enjoy it – and I hope you have some spring-like weather!!  This is what I’m being treated to today (and it’s actually *warm-ish* – a balmy 7 degrees, woohoo!).  Have faith – summer is right around the corner 😀

Good Friday Sun 2013 (2)

Oh – I forgot to mention: since Google Reader is eventually going kaput, I’m now linked in to Bloglovin’ (check out my sidebar) – feel free to follow me there ’till your heart’s content 🙂


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