Long Overdue MEGA-Praise for NARS High Voltage Blush in Boys Don’t Cry

Yet another late post which means: Words. Few.  However, you all know by now that I always say that and then still end up rambling.  So…enjoy?

NARS Boys Don't Cry Blush (2)

I am ashamed at how long its taken me to show you guys this blush.  YOU GUYS.  THIS BLUSHNARS Boys Don’t Cry blush ($48CAD) from the Pierre Hardy collection is probably one of the best makeup purchases I’ve made all year, if not THE best.  A total 10/10 for me!  How can you go wrong with a) a NARS blush, that b) is a gorgeous bold coral red (or pink grapefruit, as it’s described)?!  Answer: YOU CAN’T.  It’s all sorts of WIN.

NARS Boys Don't Cry Blush (4) NARS Boys Don't Cry Blush (3)

The ‘awesome’ quote above was on a card I bought for my mom for Mothers Day (which, stupidly I forgot to give her – next year maybe?), and I just had to use it as a prop.  Because this blush is, in fact, AWESOME.  See all my use of caps today?  It’s for a reason, people.

Of course, the beautiful gold design above is an overspray, and disappears after a use or two, which is just fine with me.  What you’re left with is this:

NARS Boys Don't Cry High Voltage Blush swatch

I feel like this shade of blush was honestly made for my skintone – it’s so damn flattering!  Or maybe it was just made for everyone’s skintone – it’s got both a warmth and a coolness about it so that I think it would work on most people.  It also buffs out beautifully so that you can wear it with a light hand, or more intense if you so desire.  Below, I’m wearing it first with a more subtle touch – this was an actual look I wore (which incidentally accompanied the eye makeup in this post); in the rest of the shots I applied the shade more heavily so it would show up more strongly in photos.

NARS Boys Don't Cry High Voltage BlushIn sunlight, with a light hand

NARS Boys Don't Cry worn (2)Natural light, with a heavier application

Please note that the hardcore glow I’ve got going on in these photos is due to Becca’s Shimmering Skin Perfector and not from the blush – it is a matte formula, though not powdery at all so it melds with the skin beautifully.  I like that I can wear it over liquid products and it doesn’t get blotchy throughout the day like some other products I own.  In fact, this blush wears well throughout the entire day with very minimal fading overall, even in humidity.

NARS Boys Don't Cry worn (3) NARS Boys Don't Cry worn (4) NARS Boys Don't Cry worn

I really don’t know what else I can say about this blush that you can’t see clearly with your EYEBALLS – it’s frickin’ GORGEOUS.  I never really thought about a blush this shade before until suddenly there it was, and I am SO happy that I picked this up – as many of you have said, it’s A LOT of blush at 0.45oz (NARS blushes are usually 0.16oz), and I was intimidated as who really needs that much blush!?  But now that I have it, I would pay for even MOAR if it meant having this shade in my possession.  Of the 30+ blush I have, since it’s purchase I’ve worn this consistently more than any of my other shades.  And since it’s essentially seasonless (it can go all summer-flushed or windblown with ease), I don’t see that changing any time soon.

A big YIPEEEEEEEEEE to blush, and THANK YOU to NARS for making a shade like this 😀 😀 😀

Did you pick up Boys Don’t Cry (or Rotonde)?  What shade of blush gets the most love from you in your collection?

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  1. #1 by thebubblybrunette on June 7, 2013 - 11:36 pm

    This is practically perfect, and it looks gorgeous on you 🙂

    • #2 by Latoya on June 10, 2013 - 8:13 pm

      YES! Yes, it IS practically perfect 😀 Thank you so much!

  2. #3 by Catherine (@bcrueltyfree) on June 8, 2013 - 1:23 am

    This is just such a beautiful product, both in the pan and on your skin! I adore it. I have a couple blushes that are similar, actually I just posted a red blush comparison, but I love the gold stripes in this

    • #4 by Latoya on June 8, 2013 - 5:50 pm

      Ohh, I love comparison posts – ill have to check it out Catherine! And yea…this blush. THIS BLUSH! 😀

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  3. #5 by Tracy@Beauty Reflections on June 8, 2013 - 1:48 am

    PRETTY on you! My daughter got this and it looks fabulous on her really pale skin too. It’s a great blush for everybody!

    • #6 by Latoya on June 8, 2013 - 4:55 pm

      I think so Tracy!! Your daughter is clearly following in her mama’s footsteps lol. Have you stolen it to try it yourself or wha??

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  4. #7 by Sarah on June 10, 2013 - 9:35 am

    So pretty!!! It looks amazing on you.

    • #8 by Latoya on June 14, 2013 - 11:32 am

      Merci, my dear! My love for it knows no bounds. LOL

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  5. #9 by mzmm on June 10, 2013 - 2:17 pm

    SUPER lovely! thx for all you do to keep us shopping!!! -)

  6. #11 by Makeup Morsels on June 10, 2013 - 8:32 pm

    ughhh this is so freakin gorgeous on you, and I totally get what you mean about the perfect amount of warmth/coolness. So I’ve been wearing blush lately and now totally get the hype, but I’m still working my way up to colors like this. LOVE that embossing though, I’ve been admiring these from afar ever since they were released.

    • #12 by Latoya on June 14, 2013 - 11:34 am

      Yay for wearing blush MM!!! Welcome to the club hehe. I can’t wait to see how your blush fiendishness develops hehe.

      And this blush is my JAM.

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  7. #13 by My Lucite Dreams on June 11, 2013 - 10:58 pm

    This blush is perfection on you! Gorgeous! I loved these collection of blushes but I don’t think I would wear them as well as you,

    • #14 by Latoya on June 14, 2013 - 11:34 am

      I doubt that very much Taylor, this shade would work on anyone, and I think it would look STUNNING on you!!

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  8. #15 by Denise on June 13, 2013 - 12:33 am

    OH GOD, this post is making me seriously regret not buying this in NYC!!! 😦 ARGH. It looks SO GOOD on you!!! Damnit, I just went to Buffalo to do some cross-border shopping, too. Okay, if it’s still available next time I walk into Sephora, I will buy it, LOL.

    • #16 by Liz (@Reductionista) on June 17, 2013 - 7:19 pm

      LOL! There was lots of it at Sephora Bloor/Avenue last week.

    • #17 by Latoya on June 18, 2013 - 6:45 am

      DOOO IT!! Denise, it’s totally worth it, honestly. Don’t pass it by again!!

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  9. #18 by Becca @ The Beauty Sample on June 13, 2013 - 3:42 am

    Uh yeah, to say that blush was made for you is a SERIOUS understatement! Wow girl–that is AMAZING on you!!! 😀 I am a bit scared of super bright, pigmented blushes like this but I want this, if not just for the gorgeous pattern/overspray 😛 haha

    • #19 by Latoya on June 18, 2013 - 6:48 am

      Becca, we need to get you past this fear of brights my love! I just know you can wear ’em, it just might be that you need to use a light hand, but honestly brights are lovely on everyone (esp. blushes!). This blush would be a GREAT place to start 😉

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  10. #20 by amanda p on June 13, 2013 - 4:26 am

    Really pretty! It looks like a good go-to anytime blush, but super gorgeous.

    • #21 by Latoya on June 18, 2013 - 6:49 am

      It really is, Amanda – both gorgeous AND wearable!!! It’s true love ;D

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  11. #22 by Eugenia on June 17, 2013 - 7:53 am

    I’ve swatched this shade at the counter about 5 times already, and still haven’t taken the plunge, but after seeing it on you, I now want to to give it one last shot — apart from being totally blush addicted, my favourite hues are in the peach/coral family, and maybe I shouldn’t pass this beauty up ….

    • #23 by Latoya on June 18, 2013 - 7:05 am

      Eugenia! You MUST buy this blush, truly, it’s absolutely lovely. And easier to wear than you’d think! It’s coral on drugs!! 😀

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  12. #24 by Amy on June 22, 2013 - 9:47 pm

    So beautiful 🙂 It looks like it was made for you!

    • #25 by Latoya on June 25, 2013 - 7:12 am

      It just may have been Amy! I wear it probably every second day – especially now in summer, it gives the best flush. ~sigh~ How I love it so 🙂

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  13. #26 by Alena on September 24, 2013 - 10:22 am

    Looks beautiful on you! I’ve noticed that you also have Illamasqua Tweak blush.How does it compare to Boys Don’t Cry? Thanks!

    • #27 by Latoya on October 3, 2013 - 7:56 pm

      Hi Alena! I swatched them side by side and BDC has got a more coral tone to it – Tweak is more like a strawberry pink. Both are warm toned but BDC has more orange in it. But I will say – depending on how dark your skintone is, they look a bit similar when worn. And if your skin looks better with warmer tones, I’d go with BDC – though they both lean warm, BDC is markedly warmer. Hope that helps! 🙂

  1. Summer in a Tube: Becca Beach Tint in Papaya and Comparisons | Beauty Obsessed

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