I’m Baa-aack! But Not Quite In Full Effect

After spending the entire evening trying to fix my computer/internet, my genius boyfriend did it!  Woohoo!!  That’s what I call serious tenacity – I told him to give up like, three times and still he persevered.  Awesome 🙂

Anyway, after all that, I’M tired, so another quickie post for you – sorry!  I promise to do better soon!  In the meantime, check out Nicole by OPI’s Khloe Had a Little Lam Lam, from the Kardashian collection:After seeing stunning shots of this polish on my friend Eugenia’s blog, I knew I had to scoop up this polish, regardless of the fact that I’m really not into the whole Kardashian media-circus-hoopla-whatever you wanna call it.  A gorgeous teal creme cannot be passed up, for whatever reason.  This is my first Nicole polish, and I have to say, I’m not a huge fan – of the bottle, which looks cute but is a bitch to maneuver with – and also, the brush, which was just a bit too short and therefore I found it a bit tricky to use.  But, I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt since it’s my first and maybe I’ll get used to it.  Otherwise, it was A-OK – good formula, pigmentation (two coats shown), and glorious glossy color.  I’ll try not to pick on it too much for its shortcomings.

Just playing around, here’s a shot of Sally Hansen’s Urban Chic, a holographic sparkle top coat I bought ages ago:I did NOT have the best lighting for this shot, I couldn’t capture the holo at all.  You really need proper sunlight for it to be apparent, in most light it just looks like shimmer.  However, the sun came out later, and this is what I got:You can see the rainbow so much better here, especially in the bottle!!  It’s actually a pretty nice effect top coat, if you’re into that kind of thing…which, generally, I’m not LOL.  I don’t know why I picked this up when I did, I think it was on a mega-sale of some sort.  I have two other effect top coats – CND Copper Shimmer, and SH’s elusive Hidden Treasure, and I never use either.  If I want shimmer or whatever on my polish, I just buy it with it IN the polish already.  Just my preference.

Anyway, that’s it for today!  Tomorrow is Friday, which is excellent; also, Monday is my day off too, so that makes this gal super happy!!  Ciao for now everyone!

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  1. #1 by M (@crumbsncashmere) on November 25, 2011 - 12:25 pm

    I LOVE this color with the top coat! It would be great for champagne glass holding on New Year’s Eve!

    • #2 by Latoya on November 28, 2011 - 9:22 pm

      Ohh, I love the imagery, M! As much as I’m not super into top coats, I did like the way this looked!

  2. #3 by Liz (Beauty Reductionista) on November 25, 2011 - 8:39 pm

    Funny, I’m wearing a Nicole by OPI right now. (“Kiss Me at Midnight”) I don’t care for the K-fam and I DESPISE Nicole by OPI. Just not impressed by the shade I’m sporting (though the teal you showcase is rather appealing) and I am DONE with Nicole by OPI. One, why does it cost so much? Two, what’s with the bottle shape? And three, the quality just isn’t there to justify the price. Done, done, done!

    (Sorry, I’m on a cranky bender this week and feel like a stabby bitch!!!)

    • #4 by Latoya on November 28, 2011 - 9:25 pm

      AHAHAHAHAHA funny how others cranky moods can be absolutely hilarious LOL. At least, you make it sound humourous 😛

      Anyway, yea, not loving the Nicole polish – I agree, its ridiculous that it costs MORE than regular OPI polishes (WTF?) and as mentioned, the bottle shape is HORRID. I didn’t dislike the quality, but it wasn’t standout to me, an due to the other drawbacks, it will definitely make me think twice about buying any other colors! They’ll have to be something amazing for me to give in…

  3. #5 by kat on November 29, 2011 - 2:00 am

    Beautiful colors!

    • #6 by Latoya on November 29, 2011 - 1:54 pm

      Thank you, my dear, I’m glad you like them! 🙂

...And what do you have to say about all this?? Dish! :)