Posts Tagged Urban Decay Supercurl

Fall FOTD with Ellis Faas Creamy Lips L102

Sorry for the non-ingenious title, but I’ve been running on very little sleep for the past couple weeks and my brain just isn’t pumping out the good stuff lately.  In fact, I’m not pumping out much of anything (blog-wise), and I apologize!  It’s been a busy month and my prime blogging days – the weekends – have been full to the max.  As well, work has been crazy, as I’m currently manning the helm of three other people’s jobs (one’s on vacation for 6 weeks, one’s on assignment for 6 months, and one has just retired) – plus still doing my own job, so…essentially I’m pretty much burnt out when I get home and have NO desire to be on the computer at all.  My RSS feed is terrifying right now :S  But, there will be an end in sight at some point, so I’m just bearing it for now and trying not to be too hard on myself for not posting more often!  I hope you can forgive me!

What I’m really aiming for with this post is to bolster your opinion of me back up with a lil sumthin’ sumthin’ from ELLIS FAAS ELLIS FAAS ELLIS FAAS 🙂  Sneaky/shameless ploy, I know, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!  And…I had these pics ready to go from last week lol.  So without further ado, I bring you Faas’ Creamy Lips in L102!

There is SO much hype about the Ellis Faas products, both good and bad, that I knew I had to add them as my fourth brand to try (since May) from my “12 New Beauty Brands” list for the year.  The Creamy Lips shade was the only item I picked up from the brand, as I was feeling a bit cautious due to all the negative feedback on the packaging – $36CAD is not terribly cheap to pay for a product that *might* be totally defective.

Let me straight away say that while the product inside is quite lovely – the packaging is a bit crazy!  Maggie at Maggie’s Makeup needed 80 clicks to access the beautiful Holographic Bordeaux Lights shade she picked up – well, I went past 80 and probably needed about 120 clicks to get any product!! I don’t know what that’s all about, but it seems a TAD bit excessive, no?

Undeterred however, I tried out the product right away on my lips – creamy goodness!!  L102, a ‘deep plum wine’ shade, goes on smoothly and feels exceptionally lightweight on, though slightly less opaque than I expected.  It’s described as providing ‘classic lipstick definition and longwearing coverage,’ and while I only wore the shade for the duration of taking these photos (about an hour), it certainly does have the look of a lipstick for the most part.  The website recommends to use the sponge-tip to first paint the lip with a small amount of product, then fully load the applicator to fill inside the lips. The sponge-tip was surprizingly easy to use and wield and I had no problems defining the edges of my lips.

Though my skin is going through a ‘moment’ right now, I was able to capture the vampy berry goodness of this shade in a FOTD:

And in case anyone is curious about the rest of my makeup, I’m wearing NARS Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner in Via Appia (a warm bronze-brown, received via swap), Urban Decay’s Supercurl Curling Mascara (sample), and Too Faced Sun Bunny bronzer (also received via swap).  I was trying to get in all the goodies I teased you with last week! 🙂

Now, before there are any misconceptions – you see my hair*?  You see how curly it is?  Yea, so my lashes are the same way.  That curl is NOT from the Urban Decay product, so don’t get excited.  However, I wanted to mention it because even though I have no idea if it’s doing anything to curl my already near-corkscrew lashes, it’s pretty damn great!  I get excellent definition with absolutely no clumps, and some pretty decent length too.  It doesn’t do anything crazy for volume, but because it catches every lash they do appear a bit thicker – overall, highly recommend.  It wears well in the heat yet washes off easily too 🙂

*It’s actually kind of amazing that you are seeing my hair – I almost always seem to have it up in these kinds of posts, I’m sorry!!! It’s weird too because my hair is more often down than up…just the way it goes I guess 😛

Overall, I am very much enjoying the Creamy Lips shade, it feels great on the lip and I am super-digging the color (thanks for the reco, MM!), I can’t wait to wear this in the fall!  Its just the perfect tone for my skin, and unlike anything else I own (I have reds but no berry shades!).  Note that this also makes an absolutely incrediblestain – when I went to remove my makeup I wiped this off first and it looked SO good! Otherwise…yeah, the click pen was a bit weird to start, and I wonder just how much product you even get in there, but for the time being I’m very satisfied with my purchase.

On to the next brand on the list!! 😀

Have you tried Ellis Faas, or are you turned off by some of the negative reviews?  What are your thoughts on the product if you have tried it?

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