Review: Giorgio Armani’s Eyes to Kill Mascara

In Part II of my G.A. haul, I bring you the illustrious Eyes to Kill mascara that is pretty much the holy grail of mascara’s as of late.  Despite the fact that I’ve been swayed to the dark side to spend ridiculous amounts on money on products I could get for much, much less, I haven’t been converted to spending much on mascara.  Since the rule of thumb is to only hang onto mascara for 3-4 months, the thought of spending $30+ on something I won’t even have for very long hasn’t appealed to me so much.  But I’ve heard so many amazing things about this mascara, and since I haven’t given in to a $$$ mascara yet, I thought I would give myself a pass just this once to try out the best of the best.

Let me tell you – this could spell disaster for me and my wallet in the future.  This mascara is pretty darn awesome.  It gives length and fullness with so much ease!  I’m used to applying lash primer, then working with my mascara for 5 minutes alone to get that fabulous lash look that everyone wants to achieve.  With this product, I could just throw it on and be done with it in less than a minute.  While it doesn’t give a lash look soo above and beyond any other mascara (after I’ve worked with them), just the fact that I don’t have to fool around with it impresses me a lot.The brush doesn’t look like anything fancy – which actually I appreciate, as I’m not a huge fan of the spiky rubber bristles on some mascaras, even though I know the purpose is to provide serious definition to the lash.  Here, they use a typical bristle brush but achieve a similar look.  My lashes are lengthened, fuller, and without even trying I find I get that flirty look where the lashes on the outer ends are well-defined.  The trick I find that works best with this mascara is to apply one coat, leave it for 20-30 seconds, then apply another.  That keeps it from getting tiny lil clumps at the ends of lashes and really enhances the length.Overall, I really like this mascara and would buy it again – if I were near a store that sold G.A. products.  Unless I’m ordering other items, I wouldn’t call Holt’s just to buy this or purchase it online.  Regardless of how nice it is, the $36CDN price tag is still quite steep for my liking.  I’m not a fan of having to fool around with my mascara every day, but if it saves me a bunch of cash every 3 months, I’ll just have to live with it.

What are your thoughts on this product?  Have you tried it, or been hoping to?  Or are you like me and find it hard to justify high prices for mascara?  What mascaras in general would you recommend?  We’re always on a hunt for the ‘best,’ aren’t we?

That’s all for now, thanks for reading 🙂

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  1. #1 by Liz (Beauty Reductionista) on July 10, 2011 - 11:21 am

    Like I said on the day we met, I LOVE how this makes your lashes look! Mine are so puny that I find it well worth it to splurge on a good one if the effect is stellar, which has never happened except with YSL Faux Cils. I think you can make a firmer decision on whether it’s worth it after you’ve gone through a life cycle of the tube. The first time I bought the YSL, I thought I had gone crazy and decided to look for cheaper dupes. After some fruitless searching, I went back to it. But having tried the expensive one, it’s good to know that it’s there when we need it, right? Enjoy it and stock up the next time you hit a GA counter! 😉

    • #2 by Latoya on July 12, 2011 - 9:44 pm

      Thank you, dahling! I will definitely try Faux Cils someday in the near future, it’s on the list. It was a fun splurge, and you’re right, I’ll figure out soon enough if it’ll be something I’d repurchase down the road or not!!

  2. #3 by richgirldiaries on November 6, 2011 - 11:41 am

    I haven’t found enough difference in mascaras to justify some of the higher prices. Plus the market is so flooded and the competition so stiff that I’ve been living off of deluxe samples for a while now. But I have to admit that this looks great on you!

    • #4 by Latoya on November 7, 2011 - 9:53 pm

      Thank you! 🙂 I don’t often buy mascara as I usually use deluxe samples too or get one in my gratis from Clinique. But I had the opportunity to pick this up and thought I’d try it out! As much as I liked it, I found out that it actually caused some serious irritation to my eyes – it must have fragrance in it somewhere or something…every time I use it my eyes go crazy for weeks! So, unfortunately, REALLY not worth all the money 😦

  1. A Proud Moment: Downsizing at it’s Best « Beauty Obsessed
  2. Best Bang for Your Buck Series: Mascaras « Beauty Obsessed

...And what do you have to say about all this?? Dish! :)