Taking Retinol Baby-Steps with Derma-E’s Vitamin A Wrinkle Treatment Moisturizing Gel

I’m sure you’re tired of hearing me go on about wanting to incorporate a retinol product into my skincare regime by now…but I just have so many other serums and treatments kicking around I haven’t felt justified in spending the big bucks to pick one up just yet!  However, I did swipe a wallet-friendly *lite* version back in July – Derma-E’s Vitamin A Wrinkle Treatment Moisturizing Gel.  Vitamin A is the basis of retinol, however, this isn’t ‘true’ retinol but sort of the entry-level version (more on that in a minute).  I thought with the nature of my finicky skin it would be wise to start small and work up to the hard stuff, and for $14CAD (for 220mL) at Shoppers this seemed like a good bet!  But does it work??

First of all, the product claims to be a “refreshing formula that helps diminish the appearance of lines and wrinkles” and through the vitamin A it will “enhance skin’s youthful appearance.”  On top of that, its supposed to be a “fast-absorbing water-based gel great for oily or blemish-prone skin, and leaves skin feeling soft, supple and smooth.”  ALSO, you’ll be pleased to know it’s cruelty-free, paraben-free, and eco-friendly, and is oil-free, which is majorly appealing in the crazy humid weather we had this summer.  Sounds all sorts of awesome, eh?

I used this product at night for about a month and it did leave my oilier skin hydrated without feeling greasy at all – though it didn’t seem to do much else.  While vitamin A is the second ingredient after water, in this form (retinyl palmitate), it’s not actually retinol – which means that it doesn’t stimulate cell turnover or exfoliate the skin.  Because it’s much less aggressive than retinol, however, it can be a great option for those with sensitive skin (me) as in high concentrations like this, it still can plump the skin and increase collagen production.  As I only used it for a shorter period of time (as my skin has been freaky everywhere pretty much all of August for no reason, which means – back to super-basics), I may not have given it a fair chance to ‘wow’ me.

Rubbed into the skin

All in all, once my skin chills out, I’m definitely give this another shot – if nothing else its a nice moisturizer for sensitive, oily skin and absorbs quickly so you can use it under makeup, too.  And the bottle is HUGE for the price, so this will last ages!  The only actual concern I have is that the last ingredients note ‘natural and fragrant oils,’ of which I’m wary – but I seemed to have no problems while using it so until I do I will just be aware.

Have you tried any retinol or vitamin A products that you can suggest?  What is your ultimate ‘good skin’ potion?

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  1. #1 by Larie on September 5, 2012 - 7:26 pm

    I’m still looking! I’m trying a REN night serum right now – it’s only been a couple of weeks, so too soon to tell, but I’m liking it so far!

    • #2 by Latoya on September 21, 2012 - 6:48 am

      Ooh, I love REN! Well, at least I love the idea of the brand – I’ve only tried a couple of things, but I just like all the pure, concentrated stuff packed into the simple packing. It appeals to me on all levels! I hope the serum works out well, Larie!

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  2. #3 by Becca @ The Beauty Sample on September 6, 2012 - 7:16 am

    Retinyl palmitate is pretty much ineffective on my skin–it’s waaaaay too gentle and I’ve never seen results from any product with retinyl palmitate in it. If I were you, I’d at LEAST try something with retinol in it–like a ROC moisturizer or the like. In my opinion, that’s the lowest-level vit A product you can use that will still yield visible results. But if you’re asking for suggestions, I say just go all out and get Retin-A/tretinoin if you can. It’ll save you time from beating around the bush looking for a product that will give you the results that this WILL give you–and of course, it will save you money. If you’re worried about skin sensitivity, use a really low dosage and a small amount of product once every 3 or 4 nights til your skin adapts. Anyway, that’s just my two cents! Sorry for rambling 😛

    • #4 by Latoya on September 21, 2012 - 6:53 am

      No, no. Becca, I love your rambling!! 🙂 Especially when it’s informative! I think you’re probably right, I should just go for the hard stuff and ease in that way. It will save me in the long run and I’ll just take it slow. I read somewhere that in Canada we sell it OTC – I’ll have to investigate! Thanks for the advice my dear! 😀

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  3. #5 by Liz (@Reductionista) on September 6, 2012 - 6:56 pm

    Oh man, I read this in an excited hurry because I was also interested in Vit A & retinol for a while now. The big bottle factor sort of killed it for me though, LOL! I think my skin can deal with it and might even really like it. Never noticed it anywhere before but I’m sure it’s in the aisles. Thanks for bringing it to our fickle attention!

    • #6 by Latoya on September 21, 2012 - 6:54 am

      You’re welcome Liz! I think you should definitely think about retinol/Vit A, it’s supposed to be great for pretty much any skin woe. Sign me up!! 😀

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  4. #7 by makeupmorsels on September 8, 2012 - 1:16 am

    I used to use straight-up prescription tretinoin cream, it made my acne go away right quick and then my skin got nice 🙂 This stuff sounds really gently, mayhaps a little too gentle! I do like the big bottle though

    • #8 by Latoya on September 13, 2012 - 8:05 pm

      Ya, I like the big bottle in terms of cost per oz, but GAWD if I’ll ever use it all! I think it’s probably (mayhaps) too gentle to do anything but my skin is so freaky I hesitate to try anything else :S

      Sent from my iPhone

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